Little things that keep your house tidy without cleaning every week

A tidy house is certainly the dream of all its inhabitants. Besides being pleasing to the eye, a tidy house also makes us comfortable doing activities. The problem is, most people are often reluctant to clean up their homes. Not to mention if you’re busy every day.

Instead of scheduling a day off to clean up the house, you can really condition your house to stay neat. Here are some habits that you should always do so that the house is always neat and comfortable to live in.

1. After waking up, try to always make your bed. To make it easier, choose sheets that are not layered. Don’t use a lot of pillows on your mattress if you don’t want to have to clean it up.

2. Start getting used to putting things back in their place after use.

3. Clean the kitchen area immediately after cooking. If you’re … Read the rest